The Definitive Guide to Healthy Eating

Your one stop for the definitive ruling on healthy eating. There’s lots of misinformation out there, these are the facts.

Healthy Eating Made Simple

To really understand this, it’s helpful to understand the concepts presented in our Pillar Article – Eat Real Food. At least take a peek at the flow-chart there.

Healthy Eating – The Big Stuff:

  1. Don’t eat processed food. If it has a nutrition label, ingredients list, and barcode, chances are good it is not Real Food.
  2. The staples of your diet should be animal products, fruits, and vegetables (especially starchy roots and tubers).
  3. If something feels wrong, figure it out. Eating right will make you feel amazing – if you don’t feel amazing, investigate why. Consider eliminating potential transgressors like dairy and nightshades.
  4. Food over pills. Do your best to get your nutrition from food (and sunlight in the case of VitD) not supplements. Of course, supplements can be a helpful addition to a healthy diet.
  5. Make it YOUR diet. Every animal has a diet, and the goal here is to eat your version of a human diet. What you eat is important and should be treated as such; your diet is everything you put in your mouth from now until the day you die. You should develop an intimate understanding of how your body works with food – just pay attention.

What you should eat:

Meat and Eggs

Protein is vital for building healthy bodies, and meat/eggs are the best source of that protein. (For the love of diet, eat the yolks too!) It’s pretty widely accepted that what separated us from monkeys in evolution was the percentage of meat in our diets; it allowed for larger brains and flatter stomachs.

Animal products are so great because the protein, vitamins and minerals are present in the forms that we process most efficiently. Think of the animals as convenient processors for our benefit: they take in nutrients in forms that aren’t as beneficial to us (grass for cows, flax seed for chickens) and produce meat and eggs with the nutrients readily available (beef, omega 3 enriched eggs).

Also, go nuts with the fish, if for nothing beyond the anti-inflammatory effects of the Omega-3’s found in large proportions (don’t worry about mercury). Source of your meat and eggs is important, but don’t let it be an excuse. If you can’t afford grass-fed beef or pastured eggs, feedlot beef and eggs are still better than bread.

“Leaf and Stalk” Vegetables

This is what most people think when they hear “vegetables,” like broccoli, spinach, kale. There are definite hormetic effects associated with many compounds in veggies, meaning that some level of consumption is beneficial but too much can be detrimental. The name of the game here is variety. You can have a pound of veggies with your dinner every night if you want, just mix up your choices and be sure to eat them with fat (so you can absorb some of the fat-soluble micronutrients). Find out what to get organic.

Root Vegetables

This includes potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and the like. Be sure to peel the skin off before eating these. Studies have shown that rodents have issues with supraphysiological doses of glycoalkaloids, a compound found in potatoes (mostly in the skin). I don’t eat many white potatoes (I like sweet potatoes), and I always peel them because I don’t like the skin. If you are going to have a digestive issue with potatoes, the skin is most likely to be the trigger.

You should eat starchy root vegetables regularly, daily, even. These are veritable nutritional stars, with ascorbic acid (Vitamin-C) you may be missing.


Animal fat is good. Especially the thick, stable stuff from naturally raised ruminants (like cows). Coconut milk and oil are good standbys as well, in addition to butter and ghee if you choose to do dairy. Don’t fear saturated fat, do be wary of polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). You want PUFA intake low (like 1% of calories) for optimal health. That means no “vegetable” oils. It can also be a convincing argument for controlling your bacon intake a bit.


Get some weird stuff in your diet. Bone marrow, pastured liver, hearts, brain, tongue – get some variety when it come to these nutritional MVPs. If you don’t like the sound of all this strange, you should be able to at least get down some chicken liver pate.

What you should not eat:

“Vegetable” Oils

No corn, soybean, canola, sunflower, safflower, peanut, or “vegetable” oil. No “vegetable based shortening” like crisco either. Avoid large doses of PUFA in general, especially the Omega6-heavy varieties. Olive oil is ok in my book so long as you don’t heat it (think salad dressing).

Large Doses of Fructose

Watch this to save me some typing. I don’t think that it would be prudent to put a one (or even three) size fits all recommendation of fructose intake, but I’m sure too much is a bad thing. I personally aim to avoid more than 10 grams in a sitting (post-workout one possible exception) and 30 grams in a day. I often come in under that, and very rarely over it. What I’m really hoping you’ll drop here is anything with table sugar, and maybe put a leash on consumption of the more fructitious (I know…) fruits (apples, pears, and watermelon are three that come to mind). And for the love of health, no agave nectar.


Grains are bad because of the hidden evils they pack in their protein. The biggest offender in this category is gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye. (1,2,3) There are other good ones too, like gliadin, another wheat protein that may trigger reward centers in the brain and increase appetite. These vicious little grass babies tend to provide some mineral-robbing phytic acid as well. All this nastiness can be avoided with this simple rule: never eat any grains. Of course, there are a few exceptions we’ll tackle in “The Middle Ground” section.


I wish that I could just paste the Soy-bashing section of The Vegetarian Myth here – definitely the best part of the book. We already know not to consume the ubiquitous soybean oil, but Chris Kresser explains why to avoid the rest as well (1,2). The big scary thing about soy is that it can cause cancer, hypothyroidism, and sexual dysfunction. And that all those hippies think it is so healthy.

Also, soy is a legume, and we don’t want to be eating any legumes. They offer incomplete protein, phytic acid, and cause digestive issues in just about everybody (their reputation in this regard, while comical, is not joke). If you must eat beans, look into preparing them in a way that mitigates their downside (soaking, gentle cooking, etc.).

The Middle Ground:

White rice is “ok” once in a while (not brown – the brown part is the protein and protein from grains = bad), but it’s pretty flat nutritionally, so it shouldn’t make up too much of your intake. Sweet potatoes, yams, and white potatoes are a better starch choice. Also, some people seem to do okay with corn once in a while – like actual whole corn kernels or ears, though you should find out for yourself with an elimination diet.

Give dairy elimination a try for a month, then bring it back and see what happens. I personally have no issues with dairy (unless I consume it with copious amounts of fruit), but many people do. Cheese source is not a huge deal, butter should be pastured (Kerrygold is a widely available option), and any dairy you drink should be raw. Grocery store milk, homogenized and pasteurized, is a processed food. There is a large population that encounters problems with “milk” but does great on real, raw dairy.

I’m increasingly wary of fish oil supplementation. The stuff won’t kill you (well maybe slowly), but I think it’s probably wiser to drop your n6 PUFAs as much as you can and get by on the n3’s in your food (eat some fish), or those in high-vitamin or fermented cod-liver oil, as Chris Kresser recommends. And never, ever, try to get supplemental n3 in plant forms (like flaxseed).

You shouldn’t eat (many) nuts. Lots of PUFAs, often lots of n6, often oxidized (think roasted nuts) before they even make it to your gullet by the handful. Oh, and lots of phytic acid, which is part of the reason we’re avoiding grains. More anecdotally, I know lots of people who pack the things away like candy (not to mention jars of nut butter), which raises a red flag in my mind in regards to regulation of appetite. Also, nuts are a snack, and snacking is not your friend. I should note that macadamia nuts are kind of an anomaly here, and are probably ok – just don’t eat them by the handful.

Making Healthy Eating a Part of Your Life

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, take another look at the foods you should eat. That group includes many delicious options that you can now be excited to eat – knowing that they improve your health and happiness.

If you want to make food choices even easier for yourself, pick up your copy of the MasculON Fitness Course. It includes tons of great info, and even a full six-week meal plan.


About Kit Perkins

Kit Perkins is the Health and Fitness expert for MasculON. He’s spent years researching, practicing, training, and exploring diet and exercise for optimal health. He’s the founder of engrevo and GetManFit, and has ghostwritten for popular blogs in the sphere. He’s creative and well read, a forward thinker developing innovative ideas with an efficiency bent rarely seen in the fitness industry.
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